I am a passionate Visual Artist and Musician.I work as a Graphic Designer contractor since an early age and I Own and Curate an Independent Records Label.
I graduated in different field of study from Science and Technology, Fine Arts to Interactive Medias. (If you wish to get further informations about me you can here find my Resume or my Artistic Statement.)
Over the last 10 years I've been deeply focused in the Independent Lo-fi Electronic Music Scene by producing music (Vinyl and Digital), curating Emergent Artists and translating all this sound experience by conceiving all sort of album artworks.
I have a taste for Eclecticism.
While keeping the same style guideline for some of my projects in photography or in graphic design. I like to change rapidly from one aesthetic to another in a matter of a month. This eclecticism can also be evidenced by my wish to use and switch between multiple medium to express myself.
Last, I'd like to inform you that I'm a Handicapped worker. Please keep in mind that my working skills can be altered depending my health state.
You can get giclé prints, limited editions and descriptions of my work at Artrepreneur.
Graphic Design Service:
If you are interested in working with me for any design purposes. Please contact me at my email address, and briefly introduce yourself or your company. I will answer you within two day max, send you a questionaire and a quote.
Then if everything sounds good and the quote Signed, we start working.
Je suis un Artiste Visuel et Musicien passionné.
Je travaille entant que Designer Graphique freelance depuis un jeune âge et je possède et dirige un Label Indépendant.
Je suis diplômé dans différente branche d'études à savoir en Sciences et Technologie, en Art. puis en Médias Interactifs.
(Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus vous pouvez trouver ici mon CV ou bien ma démarche artistique.)
Ces 10 dernières années je me suis particulièrement investi dans la Scène Électronique Lo-fi Indépendante. Tout d’abord en réalisant plusieurs albums (Vinyl et Digital), en produisants des Artists Émergeants. puis en traduisant toutes cette expérience sonore en de nombreux visuels.
Je cultive un goût pour l'Eclectisme.
Tout en gardant la même direction stylistique pour certain de mes projets en photo ou bien en design graphique.
j'aime changé rapidement d'une esthétique à une autre en l'instant d'un mois ou d'une semaine.
Cet éclectisme peut être aussi mis en évidence par mon choix de pratiquer et changer parmi de multiple médium pour m'exprimer.
Dernièrement, je tiens à le préciser. Je suis travailleur Handicapé. Veuillez garder à l'esprit que mes compétences de travail peuvent êtres altérés à tout moment selon mon état de santé.
Vous pouves obtenir des impressions, des tirages limités ainsi que des descriptions de mon travail sur Artrepreneur.
Service de Design Graphique
Si vous souhaitez faire appel à mes services graphique.
veuillez me contacter par mail et commencer brièvement par me parler de vous ou de votre entreprise.
Je vous répondrais rapidement dans les jours qui suivent en vous envoyant un questionaire à remplir ainsi qu'un devis.
Si tout est en ordre et le devis signé nous commencerons à travailler.
Listening Blue
Listening Blue was created by Benjamin Vigneron also known as Vronsky in September 2013 during a manic episode which ended up in an intense psychosis on the roads of Long Island NYC. Like many bipolar before being diagnosed Benjamin was interpretating reality at another state of consciousness, by code and symbols. He decided to include those codes and symbols into a medium throughout the internet adding sounds to it: Listening Blue Youtube Channel.
Later, the 12th of October 2013 he decided to drive to NYC where one of his student short film project “Micromegas” was exhibited in a science film festival in Brooklyn. During his trip Benjamin saw the beauty of the Vermont and New York State during and Indian summer, but when he arrived without sleeping and eating since the day before to New York City at night things started to get crazier. NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.
Native Americans, in order to become a shaman call this step “the vision”.
Benjamin in the early morning of the 13th of October 2013 saw the world as it is now: Humans partially controlled by AI and threatened by global warming.
He ended his journey in a psychic ward at Saint-Catherine of Sienna Hospital were he stayed 2 month until to be transferred to Montréal for further diagnostic.
A year later, facing a heavy anti-psychotic and mood stabilizer treatment and loneliness. Benjamin went back to his hometown Bouc Bel Air in the Provence in France.
While living a dangerous party lifestyle to forget what happened and coping with “the decease” and the treatment, he kept curating video of his favourites artists in an order that makes sense to him.
In 2016, Benjamin met through a comment on a video Brennan Leuenberger also known as Löwen. They rapidly became good friends and started working together on Listening Blue. Brennan is now assistant curator, monthly radio DJ, producer, engineer and legal owner of Listening Blue.
In 2018 Benjamin and Brennan started to reshape Listening Blue into a record label. Benjamin signed a contract with Lobster theremin distribution and released two EP under his alias Vronsky: “Beyond the Psychosis” and “Darlington avenue” which had good critics and affirmed the label credibility.
Since then the label has offered a home for unknown and known talented producers and the Youtube channel is still running well.
On the 27th of October 2021 Benjamin and Brennan closed the contract with Lobster Theremin removing all the content from the music market and streaming services to go towards a more independent way in adequacy with their musicians aspirations.
You can here find some of our latest episode:
Benjamin VigneronEmail: Contact@benjaminvigneron.comCellphone: +XX XX XX XX XX (Ask me First/Demander moi en premier)
You can contact me for getting limited editions or giclé prints of my work.
Mail, Facebook, Instagram, Behance, LinkedIn, Artrepreneur :